1. |
Do not smoke. Do not use any form of tobacco. |
2. |
Make your home smoke free. Support smoke-free policies in your workplace. |
3. |
Take action to be a healthy body weight. |
4. |
Be physically active in everyday life. Limit the time you spend sitting. |
5. |
Have a healthy diet:
6. |
If you drink alcohol of any type, limit your intake. Not drinking alcohol is better for cancer prevention. |
7. |
Avoid too much sun, especially for children. Use sun protection. Do not use sunbeds. |
8. |
In the workplace, protect yourself against cancer-causing substances by following health and safety instructions. |
9. |
Find out if you are exposed to radiation from naturally high radon levels in your home. |
10. |
For women:
11. |
Ensure your children take part in vaccination programmes for:
12. |
Take part in organised cancer screening programmes for:
The European Code Against Cancer focuses on actions that individual citizens can take to help prevent cancer.
Successful cancer prevention requires these individual actions to be supported by governmental policies and actions.
These recommendations are the result of a project
coordinated by the International Agency
for Research on Cancer and co-financed by the